Second assignment surprises
Maybe it was my thinking behind choosing Maxim, maybe it was just staunch hatred for the publications "big boy dummy" approach but my finding were actually a pleasant surprise. Did it answer my questions? Hell no, only inspired more. But to state it simply: there was more sexualized visuals within editorial content than advertorial. Shocking!!
Normally, advertising is loaded with sexualized imagary, Maxim was no different.
Both editorial and advitorial content had high levels of sexualized females, both 75% respectably. The number of total women was the big kicker: editorial = 143 total women, 107 sexualized; advitorial = 56 total women, 42 sexualized.
Thats nearly a third less women, sexualized or not.
Apparantly Maxim has turned the "sex sells" argument on its ass, because sex literally drives the editorial content more than anything else.
Shameful, psuedo-porno!
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