BABY A., a Dad-to-be tale...
The blog will typically focus on the greatest gift, my greatest gift is in the process of giving me...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Okay, in case you don't know: WE ARE PREGNANT!!!
Looky here at this video!!!
So so so excited!!!
Friday, October 02, 2009
John Luther Austrew, 90, a life long servant of God who loved sports and family died on Thursday, October 1 in Spring Hill, Florida.
Born June 18, 1919 in Evansville, Indiana to John L. Austrew and Rosa May Russell Austrew. The youngest of 10, he was predeceased by his siblings Hazel, Edward, Nellie, Mabel, Lillian, Sadie Lee, Ruth, Klinger, and Fred Austrew.
A spunky joke-teller, John devoted his life to Christ through service to the church and community and devotion to his family and friends.
John’s Grandfather, George Washington Austrew, was born at sea and arrived in the U.S. from Germany in the early 19th century. George Washington Austrew established a prosperous coalmine in Evansville, later to become the Crescent Coal Company.
John left home at a young age after his Father’s death to become a Crew Chief of a traveling magazine subscription company. Here he met his first wife Margaret Nemeth, one of the best saleswomen in the company. John and Margaret moved constantly spending the late 1940’s in Chicago, IL.
During World War II John worked riveting airplanes and tanks. After the war he returned to sales as a route coffee salesman and manager for the Cook Coffee Company.
John became a pitcher for the Toledo Mud Hens, a minor league baseball team, until an injured shoulder forced him to switch to softball. Thereafter softball became his passion. He also enjoyed golfing and billiards, spending time with family, and teaching his sons sports. John often coached their teams.
In Toledo, John began selling insurance for the independent firm Picton-Cavanaugh and raising his family. John became an active Church Elder of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, and proved to be a valued employee and a senior sales representative for Picton-Cavanaugh until his retirement.
Retired, John and Margaret moved to Spring Hill, Florida to enjoy their later years. He enjoyed playing cards, church events and activities and replaced his beloved softball glove for a set of golf clubs. In 1997 Margaret Austrew passed away.
In 1998 John married his current wife Ethel. Devoting more of his time and energy to serving the Lord with the congregation of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Spring Hill.
He is survived by his wife Ethel of 11 years, two sons: John-Paul Austrew and wife Ellen Austrew of Addison, TX, Terry Phillip Austrew and wife Mary Anna Austrew of Raymond, NH. Grandchildren: Zachary Ives Austrew of TX, Eric David Austrew of MA, Neva Marita Cole of NH. Great-grandson Miles Wilson Austrew, and close family friends Sally E. Austrew of TX, and Jennifer ?? of FL.
A graveside service will be held the morning of Saturday, October 10.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in his memory to Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Spring Hill, FL.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
News junkie to lead Daily
Christine Stanley
Editor in Chief
November 23, 2005
The NT student publications committee named Zachary Austrew, Dallas senior, editor in chief of the spring 2006 Daily on Tuesday. He will take charge of the paper Dec. 3.
Austrew, a photojournalism major, has worked for the Daily in several capacities since 2002, first as a Daily reporter during the fall 2004 semester, then as special sections editor for the summer 2004 Daily.
He assisted in front page design and served as managing editor of the summer 2005 Daily and is currently the Daily’s design editor.
The former art major said he became a news junkie after the Sept. 11 attacks, and his love for journalism has grown since.
“The culture is addictive,” Austrew said.
“I really like being able to communicate and educate, because that’s what I was craving everyday.”
He said he got his feet wet by writing a news story on NT’s record number of tenure denials in 2004.
“It was hard as hell,” Austrew said.
“A paper isn’t radio or TV. We can’t tell a story in 30 seconds. It puts extra pressure on you.”
But he came back for more and has climbed the ranks at NT’s Aerie’s yearbook too. He started as a part-time photographer in the spring of 2002, then moved up to head photographer the next semester.
He took over as Aerie photo editor in fall 2003 and stayed in that position for two years.
Austrew said his biggest challenge will be leading the Daily’s staff next spring.
“It’s a big operation,” he said.
“One of my philosophies is that I set the table for the people who are working for me to succeed. I want to find all of our very best reporters, editors and photographers and help them rise, much like yeast, to the top of their fields.”
He said he’s also looking forward to communicating with the campus.
“On campus, it’s (the Daily) the most important communication device,” Austrew said. “The Daily has a very long, well established history, and it’s an honor to carry the torch.”
Austrew is known by the Daily staff and many of his professors to have an incredible zeal for news.
“I am pretty intense about the news,” he said, in between sips of his Red Bull.
Michael Walter, St. Charles, Mo., senior, was Austrew’s editor in chief during the summer 2005 semester.
“Without Zach on staff, I don’t know how I would have managed being editor in chief,” Walter said.
“I’m not a very religious person, but if I was, I’d believe he was sent by an angel to make my life better.”
Austrew will begin hiring staff for next spring’s Daily during finals week.
“I look forward to presenting highly localized news to the students on campus,” he said.
“I want to celebrate this campus and its diverse students.”Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Second assignment surprises
Maybe it was my thinking behind choosing Maxim, maybe it was just staunch hatred for the publications "big boy dummy" approach but my finding were actually a pleasant surprise. Did it answer my questions? Hell no, only inspired more. But to state it simply: there was more sexualized visuals within editorial content than advertorial. Shocking!!
Normally, advertising is loaded with sexualized imagary, Maxim was no different.
Both editorial and advitorial content had high levels of sexualized females, both 75% respectably. The number of total women was the big kicker: editorial = 143 total women, 107 sexualized; advitorial = 56 total women, 42 sexualized.
Thats nearly a third less women, sexualized or not.
Apparantly Maxim has turned the "sex sells" argument on its ass, because sex literally drives the editorial content more than anything else.
Shameful, psuedo-porno!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
The coming of the 'Compact'
NYT going tab? It maybe scary, but is best? Maybe. Maybe not.
So the story goes, it is on the way. Most newspaper analysts like Mario Garcia think the broadsheet (regular, "tall" newspaper) is going to be replaced with tabloid (half the size, NT Daily summer edition or Quick.) I personally like the tabloid, but some questions persist.
Will this increase the under-visuals of minorities. Since the tabloid fits into a magazine feel, and most take advantage of a single, stark image; will there be only more white males like the current media likes to use?
Also, how can a tab remain broad in scope while keeping an "impact image" on the front page?
Things are changing in newsprint, I'm not afraid of this. What does scare me is the easiness of relying on the norm of the past and not implementing standards and procedures that attack racism and sexism on "new" front pages.
Check this article by Garcia at Poynter here
Friday, October 14, 2005
Dr. Lambiese, kick that sucker where it hurts! Like in the imaginary balls or something. Seriously, good luck with the treatments and Godspeed.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
I have to force myself to blog every week mainly because I am getting no feedback what-so-ever. That annoys me. Mainly because I prefer a conversation to a monologue.
So if anyone reads this please shoot some feedback my way. That will inspire me a great deal!
:-) ZA